Insignia has extensive experience with navigating through the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process for various utility projects, including electric and natural gas transmission line projects, as well as working with various federal land management agencies (e.g., the Bureau of Land Management, U.S. Forest Service, and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) acting as lead agencies. Our range of experience is comprehensive, carrying projects through all phases of the NEPA process, including the preparation of Plans of Development, project proposals, Environmental Reports, Environmental Assessments (EAs), Environmental Impact Statements (EISs); noticing; facilitation of the scoping process and agency and public review and comment phases; drafting Records of Decision (RODs) and data request responses; and finalization of NEPA documents for issuance of a final decision by the lead agency.

- Noticing
- Scoping Meeting Preparation and Facilitation
- Cooperating Agency Coordination
- EA Preparation
- EIS Preparation
- ROD Preparation and Review
- Data Request Response Preparation and Review