Insignia has designed and developed numerous compensatory mitigation solutions to address agency-required mitigation for project impacts. We have provided guidance in the selection of mitigation sites and whether using mitigation banks, fee programs, a mitigation and monitoring plan, or a combination of these options will work best for the restoration of specific habitats while ensuring cost-effectiveness. In addition, Insignia regularly communicates with a wide variety of research and land conservation entities to maintain a current list of potential mitigation site and mitigation bank opportunities.

- Compensatory Mitigation Option Identification
- Mitigation Alternative Comparison
- Agency Negotiation
- Nonprofit Coordination
- Compensatory Mitigation Plan and Proposal Development
- Conservation Easement Establishment
- Habitat Management Plan Development
- Habitat Mitigation and Monitoring Plan Development
- Adaptive Management Plan Development
- Land Acquisition Support
- Property Analysis Record Assessment
- Mitigation Site Design
- Financial Agreement Preparation and Implementation
- Mitigation Bank Credit Purchase