Representative Project

Groundwater Storage and Recovery Project

Insignia’s work supported the construction and operation of 16 groundwater production wells, associated distribution and treatment facilities, and upgrades to an existing pumping station.

Insignia provided construction compliance services for the construction and operation of 16 groundwater production wells, associated distribution and treatment facilities, and upgrades to an existing pumping station. This work included environmental compliance coordination and management, developing and delivering environmental trainings, and providing environmental inspection services, as well as specialized biological monitoring throughout construction at multiple concurrent sites. In accordance with the project’s Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program, Insignia coordinated with construction crews and agency personnel on construction schedules and procedures regarding compliance issue resolution. Insignia also prepared environmental trainings for both in-person supervisor trainings and video trainings for crew members that were used for the duration of the project.

Insignia biologists familiar with project area resources and pipeline construction practices monitored construction progress and general environmental compliance, as well as proper storm water pollution prevention plan measure implementation. Insignia’s biologists also conducted specialized biological surveys throughout construction of the project. These surveys included pre-construction nesting bird surveys for migratory birds and raptors, bat surveys prior to tree trimming or removal (including habitat assessments and nighttime emergency surveys), and monarch butterfly surveys prior to the removal or pruning of large eucalyptus, Monterey pine, or Monterey cypress trees. The surveys were performed to inform construction crews of environmental constraints associated with the placement of new groundwater pumping infrastructure and to determine if buffer zones or changes in the timing of construction would be required to comply with the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program. 

Insignia provides construction compliance and coordination services for the construction and operation of 16 groundwater production wells.


  • Red-shouldered hawks (Buteo lineatus) take part in nest-building and egg incubation behaviors, though care of the chicks after hatching is almost exclusively done by the female.
  • Pallid bat (Antrozous pallidus) catches its food (mainly insects, but they have been known to eat lizards and rodents) almost exclusively on the ground instead of in the air.


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