Having secured thousands of permits for energy and infrastructure projects, Insignia is both knowledgeable and skilled at determining the appropriate environmental permits and authorizations required for utility projects at the federal, state, and local levels, often using resourceful and inventive permitting strategies to ensure timely acquisition of permits while ensuring that each project is appropriately permitted by all relevant agencies.

Insignia is well-versed in navigating the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC’s) environmental review and permitting processes for natural gas projects and hydroelectric facilities. Not only do we manage all facets of these processes, but Insignia provides expert-level, technical, and FERC regulatory advisory services, which are proven in addressing or resolving issues for our clients for large-scale projects subject to FERC. Our in-house specialists have more than 50 years of combined experience with interpreting FERC policies, guidance documents, and certificate decisions. Our services and capabilities include:
- Landowner Noticing
- FERC Application, per Sections 3 and 7 of Natural Gas Act
- Environmental Report Preparation
- Applicant-Prepared Environmental Assessment
- Biological Assessment Preparation
- Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation and Compliance
- National Historic Preservation Act Section 106 Consultation and Compliance
- FERC Implementation Plan Preparation
- Resource Monitoring during Construction
- Environmental Inspection Program
- Expert Testimony
California Public Utilities Commission
Insignia’s expertise in this area is recognized in the industry. Insignia’s staff has managed more than 20 Proponent’s Environmental Assessments (PEAs) for electric and gas transmission projects throughout the state of California in support of Permits to Construct and Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity. From our many years of experience working on California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) permitting and compliance efforts, we know how to prepare a solid document with feasible avoidance and minimization measures that will fulfill the CPUC requirements and result in the expedited issuance of approvals. Our services and capabilities include:
- Application Preparation and Review
- PEA Preparation
- Agency Negotiation
- Deficiency and Data Request Response Preparation
- Draft Authorization Review
- Notice to Proceed Request Preparation
- Minor Project Refinement Request Preparation
- Temporary Workspace Adjustment Request Preparation
- Draft Permit Review
- Agency Consultation and Relations
- Permitting Needs Assessments and Strategies
- Permit Tracking and Agency Reporting
- FERC Natural Gas Presidential Permits
- U.S. Department of Energy Electric Transmission Presidential Permits
- U.S. Department of State Liquid Petroleum Presidential Permits
- Executive Order 12038 – Presidential Permit – International Utility Crossing
- Department of Defense SF-299 Military Base Access Permit
- Section 503 Federal Land Policy and Management Act Bureau of Land Management Right-of-Way Grants
- National Forest Management Act/National Park Service Organic Act U.S. Forest Service/National Park Service SF-299 Special Use Permit
- Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act Section 10 Permit
- Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act U.S. Coast Guard Section 9, Rivers and Harbors Bridge Permit
- Clean Water Act (CWA) Section 401 and 404 Permits
- Endangered Species Act Section 10 Habitat Conservation Plan/Incidental Take Permit
- Federal Endangered Species Act Section 7 Consultation
- Z’berg-Nejedly Forest Practice Act California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection – Forest Practice Act Timber Harvest Plan
- Public Trust Doctrine California State Lands Commission Lease
- California Coastal Commission Chapter 3 Coastal Act and Local Coastal Programs Permits
- California Air Resources Board Title 5 Clean Air Act Authority to Construct and Permits to Operate
- California Fish and Game Code Section 1602 Lake and Streambed Alteration Agreement
- California Fish and Game Code Section 2080.1/2081 Take Authorizations
- CWA State Water Resources Control Board Order WQ 2014-0174-DWQ National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit
- McAteer-Petris Act San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission Regionwide Permits
- Porter-Cologne Water Quality Control Act Regional Water Quality Control Board California Water Code Section 7 Discharge Permits
- Joint Aquatic Resource Permits
- Other Local Discretionary Permits
- Local Ministerial Permits