Insignia’s Environmental Justice (EJ) services focus on the goal of engaging with people who are traditionally underrepresented in the project development process. Our program addresses the requirements of Executive Order 12898, the Council on Environmental Quality Environmental Justice Guidance Under the National Environmental Policy Act, as well as applicable state EJ guidelines and programs. We identify the potentially affected communities within a study area using ArcGIS webtools mapping and data from the U.S. Census Bureau, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency EJSCREEN, and local communities. Insignia then develops outreach and public involvement strategies that are tailored to each project to overcome linguistic, institutional, cultural, economic, historical, and other potential barriers to effective participation.

Identification of Affected Communities
Geographic Information System (GIS) Mapping of Affected Communities
Identification of Barriers to Participation
Analysis of Potential Environmental Effects on Affected Communities
Community Profile Development
Outreach and Public Involvement Strategies
Mitigation Proposal Development
Enhancement Measures Recommendations to Benefit Affected Communities
Extensive Report Preparation to Support Regulatory Filings