Our environmental impact assessments are catered to the needs of our clients and their individual projects, whether it be a brief resource-specific assessment, an in-depth technical study to support a permit application, or a full analysis document to support review of all potential resource area impacts by a state or federal agency.

- NEPA Compliance Documentation
- CEQA Compliance Documentation
- State Environmental Regulation Documentation
- Resource-Specific Technical Studies
- Aesthetics
- Agriculture
- Air Quality
- Biological Resources
- Cultural Resources
- Environmental Justice
- Fire and Fuels
- Forestry Resources
- Geology
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Hazards and Hazardous Materials
- Health and Safety
- Hydrology and Water Quality
- Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitments of Resources
- Land Use
- Management Indicator Species
- Mineral Resources
- Native American Values
- Noise
- Noxious Weeds
- Population and Housing
- Public Services
- Recreation
- Scenic Resources
- Socioeconomics
- Soil Resources
- Transportation and Traffic
- Tribal Cultural Resources
- Utilities and Service Systems
- Visual Resources
- Water and Riparian Resources