Insignia’s biologists have diverse knowledge in habitat types and sensitive species throughout the U.S. with specific expertise in the west and a clear understanding of what it takes to successfully implement a project in sensitive areas. Our staff maintains U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Section 10(a)1(A) Recovery Permits for the following federally listed species:
- California red-legged frog
- Coastal California gnatcatcher
- Least Bell’s vireo
- Quino checkerspot butterfly

- Habitat Assessments and Mapping
- Vegetation Mapping
- Protocol-Level Plant and Wildlife Surveys
- Biological Assessments
- Biological Technical Report Preparation
- Noxious Weed Surveys
- Biological Constraints Analyses
- Species Relocation Plans
- Mitigation and Restoration Plans
- Threatened and Endangered Species Surveys
- Nesting Bird Surveys and Monitoring
- Invasive Amphibian Eradication
- Raptor Surveys
- Biological Resource Awareness Training
- Biological Mitigation Monitoring
- Habitat Compensation Planning