From conducting resource surveys to preparing post-construction reports, Insignia was involved from the initial permitting through restoration of this approximately 260-foot-long replacement of 30-inch natural gas pipeline located in a large desert wash.
The project involved the replacement of an approximately 260-foot-long segment of 30-inch natural gas pipeline. Approximately 35 feet of the pipeline had been exposed and approximately 20 feet were suspended due to scour and lateral bank erosion following a storm event.
Insignia initiated work on the project by conducting resource surveys and mapping sensitive resources, including a desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) survey and jurisdictional waters assessment. Insignia then prepared and worked with jurisdictional agencies to secure all required environmental permits for the project, which included a California Department of Fish and Game Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreement, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Nationwide Permit, Regional Water Quality Control Board Section 401 Water Quality Certification, Right-of-Way Grant, Standard Form 299, and local permits. Once all permits were in hand, Insignia prepared a project permit binder, which included communication protocols, a safety plan for the Environmental Inspectors to implement in the field, project maps, contact lists, and other relevant plans and permits. Insignia also developed a comprehensive environmental training program for the project that emphasized desert tortoise education. The training program included a project brochure and a hard-hat decal that Insignia designed and produced to distribute to all project personnel when Insignia EIs delivered the training.
Throughout the duration of project construction, Insignia provided environmental inspection and biological monitoring as well as Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan inspection to ensure compliance with the project permits and plans. At the conclusion of construction, Insignia completed the post-construction reports necessary to close out the permits. In addition, Insignia investigated, developed and negotiated a compensatory mitigation solution for the project to address impacts to desert tortoise habitat.

- Desert tortoise (Gopherus agassizii) spends up to 95 percent of its life underground and can be found in a variety of habitats, such as rocky foothills, sandy flats, and other environments with suitable soils for den construction.