Representative Project

Environmental Regulatory Training

Our comprehensive, custom Environmental Regulatory Training program was designed to educate client staff on the agencies, regulations, permitting vehicles, and typical compliance strategies applicable to the construction and operation and maintenance of linear energy infrastructure. This program was delivered as a multi-day, classroom-style training and included a hard-copy Regulatory Manual for attendees to refer to following the training.

Insignia designed and delivered an Environmental Regulatory Training program that included a presentation on regulations, agencies, permitting, and permitting compliance during construction. The training was fully customized to the client’s environmental compliance and permitting needs for the types of linear energy infrastructure that the client constructed, operated, and maintained. The program was designed to provide guidance to the client team and reduce inconsistencies in the methods the client used to address permitting needs in order to save time and money for future projects.

As part of the project, Insignia designed and developed a Regulatory Manual to provide information on resource and land-management agency permitting needs for activities related to construction, operation, and maintenance of natural gas and electric facilities. The Regulatory Manual contains information on the National Environmental Policy Act and California Environmental Quality Act, as well as federal, state, and local/regional agencies. The National Environmental Policy Act and California Environmental Quality Act sections review the laws, regulations, guidelines, and compliance processes. Each of the agency sections contains a description of the agency’s background, its jurisdiction, regulations the agency is responsible for complying with and/or implements, permit application procedures and processing times, resources where additional information may be found, and references that were used in creating the Regulatory Manual.

Insignia was invited to update the Regulatory Manual to reflect new regulatory changes; include client-specific guidance; and add new sections, including the California Public Utilities Commission, the Office of Historic Preservation, and State Historic Preservation Officer. Following completion of the new and improved manual, Insignia delivered three 1.5-hour interactive training sessions. Each of the training sessions covered an overview of the agencies, the regulatory authority of the agencies, the permitting process, exemptions, and client-specific guidance.


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